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The World Serpent Distribution Mailing List

If you are interested in discussions on bands distributed by World Serpent or have further questions, please join the World Serpent Distribution mailing list managed by (Renee) and Cliff :

This is a list devoted to the discussion of all musical artists associated with the World Serpent Distribution organization and record label. Some of the more commonly recognized artists include Nurse with Wound, Current 93, Death in June, Sol Invictus, Coil, Lemon Kittens, Danielle Dax, Boyd Rice, Strawberry Switchblade, and Lustmord.

This is an unmoderated list; anyone may join. Please mail all subcription requests to the following address - any such requests to the list itself will not work. To subscribe, simply include the following in the body of your message to :

SUBSCRIBE wsd-l Your_FirstName Your_LastName]

If you have any questions or problems, please contact Renee or Cliff .

You can find more info on the mailing-list and its members as well as other interesting lists and the rules at .

The list is just for discussion of WSD related topics and not associated with World Serpent Distribution.

Thomas Pretsch,