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Some Final Quotes...

We think that in view of the impending end there is very little hope for any of you. It is suggested that in view of this approaching situation, that all of you start considering the methods of survival and victory over those who threaten you. If you love, love selectively or not at all. Are those recipients of your affection worthy of it? Are they using you? Are they your crutch? That which is falling should also be pushed. That which is crawling should also be crushed. There is no hiding from the blackbird... Which side are you on? It doesn't matter if they're big or small. There is only one answer - kill them all.
-- David Tibet

The only message, if there is a message behind it, is a purely anarchistic one, just fuck everything. I'm not interested in dogmas or morals. There's one passage that sums up everything that the Current manifests:
"The sound of the bell of Gionshyn echoes the impermanence of all things. The hue of the flowers of the teak tree declares that they who flourish must be brought low. Yea, the proud ones are but for the moment, like an evening dream in Springtime. The mighty are destroyed at the last, they are dust before the wind."
-- David Tibet

Thomas Pretsch,